Race day is approaching... The following checklist will help you prepare your race day items ahead of time.
- Prepare your race day items in advance (see check list below).
- Never wear new shoes on the day to avoid unecessary blisters.
- Eat well, with plenty of carbohydrates in the last three days. Drink plenty of water, have a good pasta meal early on Saturday evening and just a light breakfast two to three hours before the start.
- Get a massage during the week before the race if you can.
- Rehearse your race mentally. Be positive and confident.
- Drink a little at each water/sports drink station.
- Warm up lightly - jog for 15 minutes to get your muscles warm.
- Do not go too fast in the first few miles. It is far better to be slightly slower in the early stages than to be infront of your target plan.
- After the race take a carbohydrate snack (eg. a banana or sandwich) as soon as possible. It will really start to aid recovery.
Checklist for race day
- directions
- t-shirt and shorts
- two pairs of worn and washed blister-proof socks
- running shoes
- specialty items - heartrate monitor, orthotics, ace bandages, moleskin
- cap
- vaseline
- bandaids
- second skin
- arnica
- waterproof gear
- any special food requirements
- music player
- tracksuit
- sweatshirt
- open-toed shoes for after the race
- umbrella
- towel
- cellphone